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Swipeable Widget


int animationDuration

The animation duration that dictates - How long it takes the widget to move back to the origin - How long it takes for the widget to animate off the screen

Default value: 700

double horizontalThreshold

The position the swipeable widget is moved horizontally for it to be moved away. Once the widget is moved beyong this theshold, the function onHorizontalSwipe is called.

This diagram in this video may help you visualize the correct position.

Default value: 0.85

double verticalThreshold

Not implemented yet.

The position the swipeable is moved vertically for it to be moved away. Once the widget is moved beyong this theshold, the function onVerticalSwipe is called.

This diagram in this video may help you visualize the correct position.

Default value: 0.95

Function onLeftSwipe

The function called when the card is moved beyond the left side horizontalThreshold (in terms of Align). If you're making a card game, this is where you would call the function that calls the next card.

Function onRightSwipe

Similar to onLeftSwipe

SwipeableWidgetController swipeableWidgetController

Controller that can swipe the card automatically (without user interaction).

The following methods exist: - _swipeableWidgetController.triggerSwipeLeft() - _swipeableWidgetController.triggerSwipeRight()

The below two also exist, but are not yet implemented: - _swipeableWidgetController.triggerSwipeTop() - _swipeableWidgetController.triggerSwipeBottom()

double scrollSensitivity

The multiplier value for dragging the cards. A higher value is recommended for larger displays.

Widget child (required)

The child widget, which will be swipeable.

List children

The widgets behind the child. These can be the other cards if it's a card game.